Processing math: 100%
In [1]:
# setup
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
import scipy.integrate
In [9]:
# setup: has to be in a separate cell for some reason
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12, 7]

A Lotka-Volterra-ish model

Suppose we are modeling the population sizes of two interacting species, wihch we creatively call "type 0" and "type 1". The dynamics are:

  1. Each time step, each type-0 individual has probability p0 of dying; those who die leave behind a Poisson number of offspring.
  2. The mean number of offspring depends on the current amount of resources: it is equal to λ0exp((N+a0M)/K0) when there are N and M individuals of the two types, respectively.
  3. Same, vice-versa.

Note: for simplicity, we've kept death and reproduction coupled, which might seem wierd, but imagine annual plants.

How do we expect this to behave? Let's write down the expected dynamics: E[Nt+1|Nt=N,Mt=M]=N(1p0)+p0Nλ0exp((N+a0M)/K0)E[Mt+1|Nt=N,Mt=M]=M(1p1)+p1Mλ1exp((M+a1N)/K1).

The differential equations

The amount that N changes per unit time is Nt+1Nt. This suggests the following differential equation: dNdt=p0Nt(λ0exp(Nt+a0MtK0)1)dMdt=p1Mt(λ1exp(Mt+a1NtK1)1)

We'll be using these again, so we'll denote this by F:R2R2: F(N,M)=(p0N(λ0exp((N+a0M)/K0)1),p1M(λ1exp((M+a1N)/K1)1)).

In [3]:
def run_sim_2d(N0, M0, gen_fn, ngens, dtype='int', **kwargs):
    N0, M0: initial population size arrays for the two populations
    gen_fn: function that calculates the next generation of population sizes
        given the current population sizes. Takes in two arrays and other arguments
        and outputs a tuple of length two of the next generation's population sizes.
    ngens: number of generations to do this for
    dtype: the numpy type (eg either 'int' or 'float') that gen_fn returns
    **kwargs : the other parameters for gen_fn
    returns: a tuple of arrays, each of size (ngens, len(N0)),
        with columns corresponding to replicates and rows corresponding to time points
    assert(len(N0) == len(M0))
    N = np.empty((ngens, len(N0)), dtype=dtype)
    N[0, :] = N0
    M = np.empty((ngens, len(M0)), dtype=dtype)
    M[0, :] = M0
    for t in range(1, ngens):
        n, m = gen_fn(N[t-1, :], M[t-1, :], **kwargs)
        assert(n.dtype == dtype and m.dtype == dtype)
        N[t, :], M[t, :] = n, m
    return N, M


Here's what this looks like:

In [10]:
def lv_eqn(N, M, lam, p, K, a):
    next_N = N + p[0] * N * (lam[0] * np.exp(-(N + a[0] * M)/K[0]) - 1)
    next_M = M + p[1] * M * (lam[1] * np.exp(-(M + a[1] * N)/K[1]) - 1)
    return next_N, next_M

def lv_gen(N, M, lam, p, K, a):
    assert(len(M) == len(N))
    N_dies = np.random.binomial(N, p[0])
    M_dies = np.random.binomial(M, p[1])
    N_repro = np.random.poisson(N_dies * lam[0] * np.exp(-((N + a[0]*M)/K[0])))
    M_repro = np.random.poisson(M_dies * lam[1] * np.exp(-((M + a[1]*N)/K[1])))
    next_N = N - N_dies + N_repro
    next_M = M - M_dies + M_repro
    return next_N, next_M

# we'll use **kwargs to avoid re-typing these over and over
lv_args = {
        'lam' : [1.2, 1.1],    # fecundity
        'p' : [0.5, 0.9],      # death prob
        'K' : [2000, 5000],      # carrying capacity
        'a' : [0.1, 0.1]  # encounter rate

# random simulation
N, M = run_sim_2d([500], [100], lv_gen, 120, dtype='int',
# deterministic
tN, tM = run_sim_2d([500], [100], lv_eqn, 120, dtype='float',

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(np.column_stack([N, M]))
ax.plot(np.column_stack([tN, tM]), linestyle="--")
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fbd9931f630>,
 <matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7fbd9931f7f0>]


Equilibria occur when F(N,M)=0.

First note that if M=0 then the model is one-dimensional, and so there are equilibria on the boundary. These occur when E[Nt+1]=N, which happens only if the average number of new offspring for a given parent is 1, i.e., F(N0,0)=0N0=K0log(λ0)F(0,M0)=0M0=K1log(λ1).

For an internal equilibrium, i.e., one where both co-exists, we require that λ0exp((N+a0M)/K0)=1, and this happens only if (N+a0M)/K0=logλ0.

Writing out the equations for both species, equilibrium occurs when N+a0M=K0log(λ0)a1N+M=K1log(λ1) which is solved by N=K0log(λ0)a0K1log(λ1)1a0a1M=K1log(λ1)a1K0log(λ0)1a0a1.

These only make sense if they are positive... but let's have a look at the pictures, first.

In [11]:
def lv_equil(lam, p, K, a):
    bequil = np.array([[K[0] * np.log(lam[0]), 0],
                       [0, K[1] * np.log(lam[1])]])
    equil = np.array([K[0] * np.log(lam[0]) - a[0] * K[1] * np.log(lam[1]),
                         K[1] * np.log(lam[1]) - a[1] * K[0] * np.log(lam[0])]) / (1 - a[0] * a[1])
    return np.row_stack([equil, bequil])
In [12]:
def phase_plot(genfn, xlim, ylim, nx, ny, scale=1, figax=None, **kwargs):
    xstep = int((xlim[1] - xlim[0]) / nx)
    ystep = int((ylim[1] - ylim[0]) / ny)
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(range(xlim[0], xlim[1], xstep), range(ylim[0], ylim[1], ystep))
    X.shape = Y.shape = (,)
    U, V = genfn(X, Y, **kwargs)
    if figax is None:
        figax = plt.subplots()
    fig, ax = figax
    ax.quiver(X, Y, U-X, V-Y, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=scale)
    return fig, ax
In [13]:
def do_plot(lv_args, init = [[500], [100]], nsteps=120, figax=None):  
    equil = lv_equil(**lv_args)

    tN, tM = run_sim_2d(init[0], init[1], lv_eqn, nsteps, dtype='float',

    fig, ax= phase_plot(lv_eqn, xlim=[0, 600], ylim=[0, 600], nx=20, ny=20,
                           figax=figax, **lv_args)
    ax.plot(tN, tM)
    ax.scatter(tN, tM)
    ax.scatter(equil[0,0], equil[0,1], s=1000, c='g', alpha=0.5)
    ax.scatter(equil[1:,0], equil[1:,1], s=1000, c='r', alpha=0.5)
    return fig, ax
In [14]:
lv_args = {
        'lam' : [1.2, 1.1],    # fecundity
        'p' : [0.5, 0.9],      # death prob
        'K' : [2000, 5000],      # carrying capacity
        'a' : [0.1, 0.1]  # encounter rate

fig, ax = do_plot(lv_args)

And, here is a stochastic simulation trajectory. (Run again to add more.)

In [19]:
# random simulation
N, M = run_sim_2d([500], [100], lv_gen, 120, dtype='int', **lv_args)
ax.plot(N, M)
ax.scatter(N, M)


A nice way to look at phase plots is to draw on them the isoclines, i.e., the lines along which each variable does not change. We saw above that N does not change if N+a0M=K0log(λ0), and M does not change if a1N+M=K1log(λ1). These are just straight lines in phase space.

In [20]:
def plot_isoclines(ax, lam, p, K, a, Nmax=600):
    xx = np.array([0.0, Nmax])
    ax.plot(K[0] * np.log(lam[0]) - xx * a[0], xx)
    ax.plot(xx, K[1] * np.log(lam[1]) - xx * a[1])
In [21]:
plot_isoclines(ax, **lv_args)

No equilibrium?

But: here's a different set of parameters:

In [22]:
lv_args = {
        'lam' : [1.2, 1.1],    # fecundity
        'p' : [0.5, 0.9],      # death prob
        'K' : [2000, 5000],      # carrying capacity
        'a' : [0.75, 0.75]  # encounter rate

plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [30, 20]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3)
for a, ax in zip([0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8], axes.flatten()):
    lv_args['a'] = [a, a]
    fig, ax = do_plot(lv_args, figax=(fig, ax), nsteps=1000)
    plot_isoclines(ax, **lv_args)

Stability of equilibria

Recall the internal equilibrium of this system is N=K0log(λ0)a0K1log(λ1)1a0a1M=K1log(λ1)a1K0log(λ0)1a0a1.

In the case that a0a1<1, these are positive iff 1a1K1log(λ1)>K0log(λ0)>a0K1log(λ1)

What happens if they are not positive? Since growth without bound is not possible, the dynamics approach a boundary. But, which one? What we need to know is whether the trajectories started a little away from the equilbria tend to get closer or farther away. For instance, if FM(N0,ϵ)>0, then even small numbers of the second species will grow when the first species is at its boundary equilibrium.

To find out, we look at the gradient of F, which we denote H: HNN=ddNFN(N,M)=p0{(1NK0)λ0exp((N+a0M)/K0)1},HNM=ddNFM(N,M)=p0a0NK0λ0exp((N+a0M)/K0),HMN=ddNFM(N,M)=p1a1MK1λ1exp((M+a1N)/K1),HMM=ddMFM(N,M)=p1{(1MK1)λ1exp((M+a1N)/K1)1}.

So - FM(N0,ϵ)ϵHMM(N0,0), and since N0=K0logλ0, HMM(N0,0)=p1{λ1exp(a1log(λ0)K0/K1)1}=p1{λ1λa1K0/K101}. In other words, the second species, M, can invade the equilibrium of the first, N, if K1log(λ1)>a1K0log(λ0).

In [23]:
def lv_H(lam, p, K, a):
    def H(N, M):
        HNN = p[0] * ( (1 - N/K[0]) * lam[0] * np.exp(- (N + a[0] * M)/ K[0]) - 1)
        HNM = - p[0] * a[0] * N / K[0] * lam[0] * np.exp(- (N + a[0] * M)/ K[0])
        HMN = - p[1] * a[1] * M / K[1] * lam[1] * np.exp(- (M + a[1] * N)/ K[1])
        HMM = p[1] * ( (1 - M/K[1]) * lam[1] * np.exp(- (M + a[1] * N)/ K[1]) - 1)
        return np.array([[HNN, HNM], [HMN, HMM]])
    return H

H = lv_H(**lv_args)
for eq in lv_equil(**lv_args):
    print("Equilibrium:", eq)
    print("   with H = \n", H(*eq))
Equilibrium: [-46.10446008 513.43446709]
   with H = 
 [[ 0.01152612  0.00922089]
 [-0.07393456 -0.0924182 ]]
Equilibrium: [364.64311359   0.        ]
   with H = 
 [[-0.09116078 -0.07292862]
 [-0.          0.03389316]]
Equilibrium: [  0.         476.55089902]
   with H = 
 [[-0.00413223 -0.        ]
 [-0.06862333 -0.08577916]]