# setup
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
import scipy.integrate
# setup: has to be in a separate cell for some reason
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12, 7]
Suppose we are modeling the population sizes
of two interacting species,
wihch we creatively call "type 0
" and "type 1
The dynamics are:
Note: for simplicity, we've kept death and reproduction coupled, which might seem wierd, but imagine annual plants.
How do we expect this to behave? Let's write down the expected dynamics: $$\begin{aligned} \mathbb{E}[N_{t+1} | N_t = N, M_t = M] &= N (1 - p_0) + p_0 N \lambda_0 \exp(- (N + a_0 M)/K_0) \\ \mathbb{E}[M_{t+1} | N_t = N, M_t = M] &= M (1 - p_1) + p_1 M \lambda_1 \exp(- (M + a_1 N)/K_1) . \end{aligned}$$
The amount that $N$ changes per unit time is $N_{t+1} - N_t$. This suggests the following differential equation: $$\begin{aligned} \frac{dN}{dt} &= p_0 N_t \left(\lambda_0 \exp\left( - \frac{N_t + a_0 M_t}{K_0} \right) - 1\right) \\ \frac{dM}{dt} &= p_1 M_t \left(\lambda_1 \exp\left( - \frac{M_t + a_1 N_t}{K_1} \right) - 1 \right) \end{aligned}$$
We'll be using these again, so we'll denote this by $F : \mathbb{R}^2 \mapsto \mathbb{R}^2$: $$\begin{aligned} F(N, M) &= \big( p_0 N \left(\lambda_0 \exp(- (N + a_0 M)/K_0) - 1\right), \\ & \qquad p_1 M \left(\lambda_1 \exp(- (M + a_1 N)/K_1) - 1\right) \big) . \end{aligned}$$
def run_sim_2d(N0, M0, gen_fn, ngens, dtype='int', **kwargs):
N0, M0: initial population size arrays for the two populations
gen_fn: function that calculates the next generation of population sizes
given the current population sizes. Takes in two arrays and other arguments
and outputs a tuple of length two of the next generation's population sizes.
ngens: number of generations to do this for
dtype: the numpy type (eg either 'int' or 'float') that gen_fn returns
**kwargs : the other parameters for gen_fn
returns: a tuple of arrays, each of size (ngens, len(N0)),
with columns corresponding to replicates and rows corresponding to time points
assert(len(N0) == len(M0))
N = np.empty((ngens, len(N0)), dtype=dtype)
N[0, :] = N0
M = np.empty((ngens, len(M0)), dtype=dtype)
M[0, :] = M0
for t in range(1, ngens):
n, m = gen_fn(N[t-1, :], M[t-1, :], **kwargs)
assert(n.dtype == dtype and m.dtype == dtype)
N[t, :], M[t, :] = n, m
return N, M
Here's what this looks like:
def lv_eqn(N, M, lam, p, K, a):
next_N = N + p[0] * N * (lam[0] * np.exp(-(N + a[0] * M)/K[0]) - 1)
next_M = M + p[1] * M * (lam[1] * np.exp(-(M + a[1] * N)/K[1]) - 1)
return next_N, next_M
def lv_gen(N, M, lam, p, K, a):
assert(len(M) == len(N))
N_dies = np.random.binomial(N, p[0])
M_dies = np.random.binomial(M, p[1])
N_repro = np.random.poisson(N_dies * lam[0] * np.exp(-((N + a[0]*M)/K[0])))
M_repro = np.random.poisson(M_dies * lam[1] * np.exp(-((M + a[1]*N)/K[1])))
next_N = N - N_dies + N_repro
next_M = M - M_dies + M_repro
return next_N, next_M
# we'll use **kwargs to avoid re-typing these over and over
lv_args = {
'lam' : [1.2, 1.1], # fecundity
'p' : [0.5, 0.9], # death prob
'K' : [2000, 5000], # carrying capacity
'a' : [0.1, 0.1] # encounter rate
# random simulation
N, M = run_sim_2d([500], [100], lv_gen, 120, dtype='int',
# deterministic
tN, tM = run_sim_2d([500], [100], lv_eqn, 120, dtype='float',
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(np.column_stack([N, M]))
ax.plot(np.column_stack([tN, tM]), linestyle="--")
Equilibria occur when $F(N, M) = 0$.
First note that if $M=0$ then the model is one-dimensional, and so there are equilibria on the boundary. These occur when $\mathbb{E}[N_{t+1}] = N$, which happens only if the average number of new offspring for a given parent is 1, i.e., $$\begin{aligned} F(N_0, 0) = 0 \qquad \Rightarrow \qquad N_0 &= K_0 \log(\lambda_0) \\ F(0, M_0) = 0 \qquad \Rightarrow \qquad M_0 &= K_1 \log(\lambda_1) . \end{aligned}$$
For an internal equilibrium, i.e., one where both co-exists, we require that $\lambda_0 \exp(- (N + a_0 M)/K_0) = 1$, and this happens only if $(N + a_0 M)/K_0 = \log \lambda_0$.
Writing out the equations for both species, equilibrium occurs when $$\begin{aligned} N + a_0 M &= K_0 \log(\lambda_0) \\ a_1 N + M &= K_1 \log(\lambda_1) \end{aligned}$$ which is solved by $$\begin{aligned} N_* &= \frac{K_0 \log(\lambda_0) - a_0 K_1 \log(\lambda_1)}{1 - a_0 a_1} \\ M_* &= \frac{K_1 \log(\lambda_1) - a_1 K_0 \log(\lambda_0)}{1 - a_0 a_1} . \end{aligned}$$
These only make sense if they are positive... but let's have a look at the pictures, first.
def lv_equil(lam, p, K, a):
bequil = np.array([[K[0] * np.log(lam[0]), 0],
[0, K[1] * np.log(lam[1])]])
equil = np.array([K[0] * np.log(lam[0]) - a[0] * K[1] * np.log(lam[1]),
K[1] * np.log(lam[1]) - a[1] * K[0] * np.log(lam[0])]) / (1 - a[0] * a[1])
return np.row_stack([equil, bequil])
def phase_plot(genfn, xlim, ylim, nx, ny, scale=1, figax=None, **kwargs):
xstep = int((xlim[1] - xlim[0]) / nx)
ystep = int((ylim[1] - ylim[0]) / ny)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(range(xlim[0], xlim[1], xstep), range(ylim[0], ylim[1], ystep))
X.shape = Y.shape = (np.prod(X.shape),)
U, V = genfn(X, Y, **kwargs)
if figax is None:
figax = plt.subplots()
fig, ax = figax
ax.quiver(X, Y, U-X, V-Y, angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=scale)
return fig, ax
def do_plot(lv_args, init = [[500], [100]], nsteps=120, figax=None):
equil = lv_equil(**lv_args)
tN, tM = run_sim_2d(init[0], init[1], lv_eqn, nsteps, dtype='float',
fig, ax= phase_plot(lv_eqn, xlim=[0, 600], ylim=[0, 600], nx=20, ny=20,
figax=figax, **lv_args)
ax.plot(tN, tM)
ax.scatter(tN, tM)
ax.scatter(equil[0,0], equil[0,1], s=1000, c='g', alpha=0.5)
ax.scatter(equil[1:,0], equil[1:,1], s=1000, c='r', alpha=0.5)
return fig, ax
lv_args = {
'lam' : [1.2, 1.1], # fecundity
'p' : [0.5, 0.9], # death prob
'K' : [2000, 5000], # carrying capacity
'a' : [0.1, 0.1] # encounter rate
fig, ax = do_plot(lv_args)
And, here is a stochastic simulation trajectory. (Run again to add more.)
# random simulation
N, M = run_sim_2d([500], [100], lv_gen, 120, dtype='int', **lv_args)
ax.plot(N, M)
ax.scatter(N, M)
A nice way to look at phase plots is to draw on them the isoclines, i.e., the lines along which each variable does not change. We saw above that $N$ does not change if $$\begin{aligned} N + a_0 M &= K_0 \log(\lambda_0), \end{aligned}$$ and $M$ does not change if $$\begin{aligned} a_1 N + M &= K_1 \log(\lambda_1) . \end{aligned}$$ These are just straight lines in phase space.
def plot_isoclines(ax, lam, p, K, a, Nmax=600):
xx = np.array([0.0, Nmax])
ax.plot(K[0] * np.log(lam[0]) - xx * a[0], xx)
ax.plot(xx, K[1] * np.log(lam[1]) - xx * a[1])
plot_isoclines(ax, **lv_args)
But: here's a different set of parameters:
lv_args = {
'lam' : [1.2, 1.1], # fecundity
'p' : [0.5, 0.9], # death prob
'K' : [2000, 5000], # carrying capacity
'a' : [0.75, 0.75] # encounter rate
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [30, 20]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3)
for a, ax in zip([0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8], axes.flatten()):
lv_args['a'] = [a, a]
fig, ax = do_plot(lv_args, figax=(fig, ax), nsteps=1000)
plot_isoclines(ax, **lv_args)
Recall the internal equilibrium of this system is $$\begin{aligned} N_* &= \frac{K_0 \log(\lambda_0) - a_0 K_1 \log(\lambda_1)}{1 - a_0 a_1} \\ M_* &= \frac{K_1 \log(\lambda_1) - a_1 K_0 \log(\lambda_0)}{1 - a_0 a_1} . \end{aligned}$$
In the case that $a_0 a_1 < 1$, these are positive iff $$\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{a_1} K_1 \log(\lambda_1) > K_0 \log(\lambda_0) &> a_0 K_1 \log(\lambda_1) \end{aligned}$$
What happens if they are not positive? Since growth without bound is not possible, the dynamics approach a boundary. But, which one? What we need to know is whether the trajectories started a little away from the equilbria tend to get closer or farther away. For instance, if $F_M(N_0, \epsilon) > 0$, then even small numbers of the second species will grow when the first species is at its boundary equilibrium.
To find out, we look at the gradient of $F$, which we denote $H$: $$\begin{aligned} H_{NN} &= \frac{d}{dN} F_N(N, M) \\ &= p_0 \left\{ \left(1 - \frac{N}{K_0}\right) \lambda_0 \exp(- (N + a_0 M)/K_0) - 1 \right\}, \\ H_{NM} &= \frac{d}{dN} F_M(N, M) \\ &= - p_0 a_0 \frac{N}{K_0} \lambda_0 \exp(- (N + a_0 M)/K_0), \\ H_{MN} &= \frac{d}{dN} F_M(N, M) \\ &= - p_1 a_1 \frac{M}{K_1} \lambda_1 \exp(- (M + a_1 N)/K_1), \\ H_{MM} &= \frac{d}{dM} F_M(N, M) \\ &= p_1 \left\{ \left(1 - \frac{M}{K_1}\right) \lambda_1 \exp(- (M + a_1 N)/K_1) - 1 \right\} . \end{aligned}$$
So - $F_M(N_0, \epsilon) \approx \epsilon H_{MM}(N_0, 0)$, and since $N_0 = K_0 \log \lambda_0$, $$\begin{aligned} H_{MM}(N_0, 0) &= p_1 \left\{ \lambda_1 \exp(- a_1 \log(\lambda_0) K_0/K_1) - 1 \right\} \\ &= p_1 \left\{ \lambda_1 \lambda_0^{- a_1 K_0/K_1} - 1 \right\} . \end{aligned}$$ In other words, the second species, $M$, can invade the equilibrium of the first, $N$, if $$ K_1 \log(\lambda_1) > a_1 K_0 \log(\lambda_0) . $$
def lv_H(lam, p, K, a):
def H(N, M):
HNN = p[0] * ( (1 - N/K[0]) * lam[0] * np.exp(- (N + a[0] * M)/ K[0]) - 1)
HNM = - p[0] * a[0] * N / K[0] * lam[0] * np.exp(- (N + a[0] * M)/ K[0])
HMN = - p[1] * a[1] * M / K[1] * lam[1] * np.exp(- (M + a[1] * N)/ K[1])
HMM = p[1] * ( (1 - M/K[1]) * lam[1] * np.exp(- (M + a[1] * N)/ K[1]) - 1)
return np.array([[HNN, HNM], [HMN, HMM]])
return H
H = lv_H(**lv_args)
for eq in lv_equil(**lv_args):
print("Equilibrium:", eq)
print(" with H = \n", H(*eq))