schedule // computation, combinatorics, and applied stochastic processes
Here are the schedules from fall 2019 and winter 2020.
- Weeks 1-2: Counting things and using python
- Generating functions: counting partitions, permutations, Catalan objects.
- Discrete probability distributions, expectation, variance, and conditional probability.
- Linear recurrence relations.
- Experimental math: guessing formulae from data.
- Algorithmic complexity, big-oh notation.
- Graph algorithms: shortest paths, counting subgraphs.
- Python: basic flow control, functions, lists and dictionaries.
Homework 1: hw1.ipynb or hw1.html
Homework 2: hw2.ipynb or hw2.html
- Weeks 3-4: Structure and analysis of graphs and networks
- Terminology: connectedness, degree, matchings.
- Adjacency matrix: eigenvalues/vectors, cycle counting.
- Spanning trees, Wilson’s algorithm
- Laplacian: Matrix-tree and Cauchy-Binet theorems, discrete harmonic functions, Laplacian eigenmaps.
- Random graphs: Erdős-Rényi model, phase transition, Poisson approximation.
- Labeled graphs: the Ising model, Gibbs distributions, and the Metropolis algorithm.
- Random walks on weighted graphs and the PageRank algorithm.
Homework 3: hw3.ipynb or hw3.html Homework 4: hw4.ipynb or hw4.html
- Week 5: Point processes
- Definition; Poisson limits; additivity; motivating examples.
- Thinning and labeling; conditional uniformity; characteristic functions and moments.
- Statistics of spatial point processes: testing for independence.
- Poisson jump processes.
- The Cauchy process.
- The Kolmogorov equation for pure-jump Levy processes.
Homework 5: hw5.ipynb or hw5.html
- Weeks 6-7: Markov chains and generators
- Finite-state Markov chains: definitions, classificiation, transition probabilities.
- Methods for simulation: Poissonization.
- Matrix exponentiation of substochastic matrices.
- The approach to stationarity.
- Generators for Markov chains and Poisson jump processes.
- Uses and examples of generators.
- Simple random walk and relatives.
Homework 6: hw6.ipynb or hw6.html
- Week 8: Brownian motion and Gaussian processes
- Gaussian processes: definition and characterization; conditional probabilities.
- Brownian motion as a limit of simple random walk via convergence of the graph Laplacian.
- Brownian motion as an integral of white noise.
- Other integrals of white noise and the L2 isometry.
- Weeks 9-10: Diffusions and associated PDE
- Itô integration.
- Stochastic differential equations
- Backward Fokker-Planck equation from Itô’s lemma; connection to generators.
- Forward Fokker-Planck equation.
- Equilibrium distributions and approach to equilibrium.
- First passage times of diffusions.