October 30: notebook, html coupling the configuration process to a branching process
November 12: notebook, html generating a random spanning tree of the grid
November 26: notebook, html sampling from the Ising distribution
January 14: notebook, html simulating a Poisson process of pigeons and counting nearby pairs
January 28: notebook, html simulating a various Poisson processes, including nonuniform intensity, on the unit square
February 11: notebook, html simulating a Markov chain and a Poisson point process.
February 18: notebook, html computing transition probabilities for a continuous-time random walk.
February 25: notebook, html simulating from multivariate Gaussians to produce a path from Brownian motion
March 3: notebook, html simulating B(t) squared, in three different ways, and a 2D diffusion
March 9: notebook, html an introduction to linear systems, with a Lotka-Volterra-type model